MyFarm Investments
LLP Investments LP
TradeTotal Shares/Units
1,425,000 Units
Par Value
NZD $1.00
Min Investment
20,000 Units
Min Sell Price Per Share/Unit
NZD $0.80
Total Quantity on Offer
125,000 Units
Highest Bid
Active Bidders
Last Traded Value
NZD $0.80
Last Traded Quantity
25,000 Units
Last Traded Date
March 11, 2025
Longbush is an established quality 270 ha dairy farm, located at 38 Benzie Road, Woodlands. The farm features very favourable soils and fertility and has a good history of productivity. Longbush milks 740 cows.
Important please note this Issue is subject to the Overseas Investment Act 2005 which may limit the level of overseas or non-resident investors. This may mean that bids from Overseas and Non-Resident Investors are not able to be completed.
Any bids received on listings made by Overseas Investors on Issues that are subject to Foreign Ownership restrictions require Issuer approval to be compliant with New Zealand’s Overseas Investment Act 2005. Any accepted bids or bids matching your set offer price that do not comply with the Foreign Ownership restrictions may have transfer approval withheld by the Issuer. As a result, the trade will be unable to be completed. For further information please contact the Issuer.
Important please note this Issue is subject to the Overseas Investment Act 2005 which may limit the level of overseas or non-resident investors. This may mean that bids from Overseas and Non-Resident Investors are not able to be completed.
Any bids received on listings made by Overseas Investors on Issues that are subject to Foreign Ownership restrictions require Issuer approval to be compliant with New Zealand’s Overseas Investment Act 2005. Any accepted bids or bids matching your set offer price that do not comply with the Foreign Ownership restrictions may have transfer approval withheld by the Issuer. As a result, the trade will be unable to be completed. For further information please contact the Issuer.
Longbush Farm
38 Benzie Road, Woodlands, Invercargill, New Zealand, 9871